A new line of MMA mouthguards has hit the fight gear scene with these UFC OPRO Platinum Mouthguards that mix dual-level protection and some fierce looking style. Complete with fang graphics for beastly effect and UFC/OPRO co-branding on the front and side, these Platinum Ultimate Level UFC Mouthguards are the top of line from OPRO, pegged as the most advanced Self-Fit mouthguard in the range.
It features the added advantage of an inter-jaw absorption layer to provide additional shock absorption between the upper and lower jaw, with 13 patented fins which provide a highly retentive fit after moulding, plus stretch zones which allow it to fit almost any mouth with the wide open palate that makes speech and breathing easy when worn. It also features Biomaster Antimicrobial Protection which is proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by up to 99.99%, all packed up in an Octagon-inspired carrying case so you can safely stow it in-between training sessions or competition. Check out two different color combos plus packaging pics below.
UFC OPRO Platinum Mouthguard – BUY NOW
UFC OPRO Platinum Mouthguard – BUY NOW
UFC OPRO Platinum Mouthguard – BUY NOW
UFC OPRO Platinum Mouthguard – BUY NOW