Stitch Duran Qwick-Aid Bandages


Need to stop bleeding in seconds? Close up cuts just like the best cut-man in the business with the Stitch Duran Qwick-Aid Sports Bandage kit. Used by one of the fight world’s best known cut-men, these 100% natural hemostatic gauze pads feature a matrix design that draws blood into a seaweed base which then creates a clot that will remain closed after the pad is removed, without sticking to the wound. You’ve seen him use them during tons of MMA matches. Now you can patch up cuts endured during training and sparring as well with the Qwick-Aid kit from the world famous cut-man Jacob “Stitch” Duran.

stitch-duran-qwick-aidStitch Duran Qwick-Aid Bandages – CLICK HERE TO BUY

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