Sneak Peek: Trash Talkin Kids x Stephan Bonnar

As Stephan Bonnar gets ready to step back into the Octagon in the co-headliner against Igor Pokrajak during the TUF 12 Finale, here’s a sneak peek at the upcoming “American Wacko” walkout tee from his new apparel company Trash Talkin Kids. The new T-shirt grabs inspiration from all of the smack talking that goes on around the Octagon, with artwork similar to the popular Garbage Pail Kids trading cards series originally released back in the early 80’s. Check out the preview below, with more information on Bonnar’s tee and company to follow.

Update: For a closer look at the first series of tees including signature styles for Stephan Bonnar, Brock Lesnar, Georges St-Pierre and more, check out the Trash Talkin Kids T-shirts feature.

2 thoughts on “Sneak Peek: Trash Talkin Kids x Stephan Bonnar”

  1. Dude, I love your t-shirts man. I can’t wait to buy them when they come out. Your my favorite fighter ever. Your such a badass. Dude, you and I are so similar. We have the same fighting style. We both get our ass kicked in, but we come out on top. Even though we may get fucked up, we still win the fight. I love you man. Bonnar out.

  2. Love the shirts.. got my American Wacko shirt at the expo in T.O. and love it…
    Waiting for the Dan Hardy one to be released…

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